Komyo Reiki Do

Komyo ReikiDo (pron. Koh-m-yoh Ray-key Doh) is a Japanese Reiki system, founded by Inamoto Hyakuten, Pure Land (Jodo Shu  浄土宗) Buddhist Monk, Reiki researcher & renown International Reiki teacher.

Komyo ReikiDo is a keep-it-simple Reiki system & practice, based on the Japanese aesthetic of Less is More.  Komyo ReikiDo is based on Reiki Ryoho as was practised in Japan, that is, a Japanese system based on traditional Reiki mindset (way of thinking).

The purpose of Komyo ReikiDo is to strive for the improvement of mind & body through Reiki Ryoho practice, to cultivate a healthy & peaceful life as well as  uplift our spirituality & being.

The practice motto is: Place your hands, Surrender & Smile. Simple to learn & profound in the effect on mind, body & inner being.

Komyo = Light or illumination
Reiki     = Sacred Energy of the Universe
​Do         = Spiritual Path or Way

There are four (4) levels in Komyo ReikiDo (KRD):

初伝 ​Shoden (Level 1)
Duration -  Min. 5 hours
4 Reiju

Minimum one (1) month before eligible to sit for Chuden.

中伝 Chuden (Level 2)
Duration -  Min. 5 hours
4 Reiju
3 Symbols and uses

This level is the minimum for practitioners who offer their services to the public.

Minimum six (6) months before eligible to sit for Okuden.

奥伝 Okuden (Level 3)
Duration -  Min. 10 hours
2 Reiju
1 Symbol and it's use

Minimum twelve (12) months before eligible to sit for Shinpiden.

神秘伝 Shinpiden (Teaching Level)
Duration - Min. 18 hours
Review of all levels
Reiju Techniques

After the first sitting of Shinpiden, a Shihan Candidate certificate will be issued. This certificate does not allow the student to teach.

For more information about Komyo Reiki Do, click here https://www.komyoreikido-international.net

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